Friday, 4 November 2011


In case you hadn't noticed, modern electronic music is mostly pretty dull.

It is very serious. Everyone takes themselves very seriously indeed. Serious people. Serious music.

I think they should make more stuff like this:

Wardance AA1 - this is what I like about hardcore. In what other genre could you find such crass sampling? Got an idea? Throw it in. Its not mixed down properly. Who cares!? Lets put it out on record!

Wardance A1 - what a great intro! Ridiculous track. Its in that strange grey area between really good and really annoying.... best listened to on massive amounts of psychedelic drugs so you don't have to make a decision.
I have to admit the end gets a little repetitive even for me...and I like techno!  Its not skipping - its supposed to be like that!

An F Project white label, you can buy it here: