Friday, 14 October 2011


Since we're on the subject of dreams I thought I'd post this.

I bought this ages ago from some second hand record shop somewhere without listening to it. When I got it home I was well pissed off it didn't sound more like the original (i.e. with 'that' riff).
Fast forward 8 years or so and I found it buried somewhere and gave it a play. Quite liked it that time, but I didn't have much to go with it, so back in the misc. pile it went.

Fast forward a couple more years and it finds its way back into the light - and wow what a tune! Spooky bells coupled with dreamy vocals (which I am well into at the moment) and gorgeous synths and chord progression over a decent breakbeat. What was I thinking all those years ago?


Behold - Here Comes The Dreamer.......
Let Us Slay Him and You Shall See What Will Become Of His Dreams

Buy this here:

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